Informacion Basica sobre Bolivia

Datos Basicos sobre Bolivia
Dia Nacional: 6 de Agosto de 1825
Superficie: 1.098.581 Km2
Poblacion: 8.137.113
Capital de la Republica: Sucre
Sede de Gobierno: La Paz
Bandera de Bolivia: click aqui para verla
Escudo de Arms: click aqui para verlo
Moneda: Boliviano (Bs.)
Idioma Oficial: Espa�ol
Otros Idiomas: Aymara, Quechua, Guaraní
Paises Limitrodes: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru

Informacion Social y Pobreza
Poblacion: 8.137.113
Habitantes por Km2: 7.41
Promedio Anual de Crecimiento de Poblacion: 2.4% (1991-97)
Mortalidad Infantil (por 1,000 nacidos vivos): 62.60
Expectativa de Vida al Nacer (a�os): 62.08
Poblacion Economicamente Activa: 2,999,840
Pobreza (% de la poblacion bajo linea de pobreza): 67% (1997)
Alfabetismo: 13,76 % (1998)
Promedio de A�os de Educacion: 7.11 years (1998)

Informacion Economica
Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) (millones de US$): 8,568 (1998)
PIB per Capita (US$): 1,078 (1998)
Ratio de Crecimiento del PIB: 4.75% (1998)
Inflacion: 4.39% (1998)
Total Exportaciones (millones de US$): 1,282.97 (1998)
Total Importaciones (millones de US$): 2,386.79 (1998)

Vulcanoes and Lakes

Uyuni Salt Flats

The region south of the Department of Potosi, it�s constituted in a singular area of interest as much as the scenic point of view like ecological, for whom wish to enjoy of the manifested nature in very particular forms, some of them unique in gender..

The route most commonly used is the one coming from the city of Uyuni (12.024 ft.), located in the center of the Department of Potosi and heads towards the salt flats of the same name in north east direction until arriving to the Colchani town dedicated to the exploitation of crafted salt; from this place you can start to feel the imposing presence of the biggest Desert of Salt in the world. The Uyuni Salt Flats have a surface approximate to 10.500 km2, as to say it�s one third of the surface of Belgium, ten times the surface of Hong Kong or a fifth of Puerto Rico Island

It is conformed of approximately 11 layers with thickness� that vary in between 2 and 10 meters, the crust that is found on the surface has a thickness of 10 meters, it is estimated that the quantity of salt (NaCl) that exists on the salt flats is of 64 one thousand (Mil millones) tons. Additionally the Salt Flats are constituted in one of the major reservations of Lithium and counts with important quantities of potassium, boron and magnesium.

In the Uyuni Salt Flats you can enjoy of a similar scenarios as those in the polar regions in which blue and white combine, reflects that generate on the horizon images of inverted mountains. From Colchani the voyage starts to the center of the Salt Flats with direction to the Fish Island (Isla Pescado), after approximately one hour of voyage, in the heart of the Salt Flats, you arrive to such island 40 acres, the greatest combination that presents an isolated ecosystem like an oasis in the Salt Flats. The island is populated by a great number of cactuses with heights over the eight meters, this scenery summed up to the saline horizon make this one of the best places for photography lovers

The trip on the Salt Flats continuos for approximately 72 kilometers until reaching the military post of Colcha-K with destination to the San Juan town, then you continuo till the point of entrance of the "Eduardo Avaroa" National Reservation of Andean Fauna.

The Red Lake

Is the most important place in the region for the observation of flamingos and is constituted in a unique place of interest for the coloration of it�s waters; it�s surface is approximately 60 km2 and is found at 4.278 meters, the medium depth is 35 cm. And the temperature of it�s water vary between 10 and �10 degrees centigrade.

The Red lake is classified like the "High Andean Saline" Lake which presents islands of borax in the northeast and southeast sections, the color that it presents is red because of the fine sediments of this tonality deposited over the surface and the pigments of some types of algae.

The Morning's Sun

Este �rea de aproximadamente 1 km2 de extensi�n, ubicada m�s al sur de la Laguna Colorada en el camino hacia el salar de Challviri, se caracteriza por tener intensa actividad volc�nica y fumar�lica, en los cr�teres ubicados en la regi�n se puede observar lava hirviendo intensamente; adicionalmente, las fumarolas emiten vapores mixtos de agua y vapor caliente que alcanzan alturas de 10 a 50 metros, producto de la presi�n con los que son emitidos; estos fen�menos descritos permiten apreciar un paisaje que remonta a las �pocas de formaci�n de la tierra.

The Green Lake

Laguna Verde This area is approximately 1 km2 in extension, located on the further south of the Red Lake on the road to the Challviri salts, it�s characterized for having an intense volcanic activity, in the crates located in the region you can observe intense boiling lava; additionally, the fume holes expel mixed vapors of water and hot vapor that reach heights of 10 to 15 meters, product of the pressure with which they are expelled; these described phenomena�s permits us to appreciate the landscape that goes back to the formation of the earth.


On the Road from Uyini Salt Flats, is easy to get to see and to get three vulcanoes still lives. The first one, is the Iruputuncu Vulcano, the next one is Ollague Vulcano and the last one is the Licancabur Vulcano situated in the Left-bottom of Bolivia.


Tupiza, located in the heart of some of Bolivia's most spectacular countryside, is a real gem for anyone who loves desert landscapes. It's a young, cultured city which lies in the narrow valley of the R�o Tupiza. It is surrounded by the rugged Cordillera de Chichas, whose attractions include multi-hued rocks, mountains, chasms, clear rivers, cactus forests, brilliant skies and wide open spaces.

Close to Tupiza is San Vicente, this one-mule village in the southern Altiplano would be of no particular interest if it were not the place where the legendary outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid supposedly met their demise at the hands of the Bolivian Army in 1908. There are several contending last resting places of this infamous pair, but if you buy into the tale, then this trip should be a pilgrimage.


Esta poblaci�n fue fundada en 1696. Su iglesia fue restaurada por un equipo de artesanos recientemente, ofrece en su altar "Hojas de Oro", p�rticos y columnas trabajadas en madera que soportan la cubierta.

World Heritage Sites


Sucre It is the official capital of In 1992 UNESCO declarad the city a �Patrimonio Hist�rico y cultural de la Humanidad�. Thereare two universities, the oldest dating from 1624. Long isolation has helped itto preserve its courtly charm; by tradition all buildings in the centre arepainted in their original colonial white. It is sometimes referred to as LaCiudad Blanca. The city has grown rapidly since the mid- 1980s following severe drought which drove campesinos from the countryside and the collapse of tin mining in 1985.


Located a few hours from Sucre, one of its primary attractions is the Sunday market, when communities from around the region interconvene to sell and exchange goods. The whole town turns into a colorful market, with the vibrant traditional dress of the indigenous peoples and the equally vibrant colors of weavings characteristic of the region. Its carnival, el Pujillay de Tarabuco, begins the second Sunday of March and is one of the most important indigenous festivals of Bolivia, celebrated with magnificent costumes, dances, and music (including rare musical instruments).


Immense amounts of silver were once extracted. In Spain �ES UN POTOSI� (it�s a Potos�) is still used for anything superlatively rich. By the early 17th century Potos� was the largest city in the, but over the next two centuries, as its lodes began to deteriorate and silver was found elsewhere.

Ancient Civilizations

La Paz

La Paz, the highest capital city in the world, looks like a moon crater. The city is 4km (2mi) above sea level, situated on a canyon floor which shows only a hint of greenery. Even oxygen is at a premium. Fortunately, the life and color of La Paz is found in its people and culture, not its landscape. Find a good vantage point and simply watch the passing throng: women wearing bowler hats (worn on the side if they're single and on top if they're married) and voluminous skirts; white-shirted businessmen and politicians; machine-gun toting military; and beggars asleep under awnings, wrapped up like sarcophagi.

People congregate around the splendid Iglesia de San Francisco (construction began in 1549) with its arresting blend of mestizo and Spanish styles. Behind the church is the Witches' Market where you can buy a bizarre assortment of goods including amulets, potions, delicately crafted silver jewelery, sweets and dried llama fetuses. La Paz also has a number of museums, including the Museo Costumbrista Juan de Vargas, which contains some superb dioramas of the city, and the Museo de Metales Preciosos Pre-Columbinos, which houses three impressively presented salons of pre-Conquest silver, gold and copper works. Standing guard over all this is Illimani (6460m/21,188ft), some 60km (37mi) to the east, which is arguably Bolovia's most famous peak.
Most of the budget accommodation and cheap eateries can be found in the area between Calle Manco Capac and the Prado. For entertainment, there are folk-music shows, bars (generally with incoherent patrons), several good discos and numerous cinemas. Because of the often chilly temperatures, warm clothing is essential throughout the year.
Around La Paz is the aptly named Valle de la Luna, which is an eroded hillside maze of miniature canyons and pinnacles 11km (7mi) east of the city; the spectacular Zongo Valley, 50km (31mi) north of the city, which has ice caves, turquoise lakes and the peak of Huayna Potos�; and the historical ceremonial center of Tiahuanaco, 70km (43mi) west of the city, which is Bolivia's most important archaeological site.


There are many roads to practice trekking, but in La Paz is specially interesting, because are a Pre-Colombian roads. The two most importants are El Choro and El Takesi. Both of them are moderate and require two days of walking at least


Ubicado a 34 Km. de Laja es conocido, internacionalmente como 'Cuna del Hombre Americano y Ciudad Santuario', y capital de la Cultura Tiwanakota, que floreci� alrededor de 700 A.C.

Una de las teor�as sobre el origen de su nombre refiere al conocimiento de Tiwanaku, como la 'Taipicala o Piedra Central', por haberse fundado el imperio en sus alrededores, que fue base de la cultura altipl�nica. Se caracteriza por sus grandes templos de los que sobresalen las pir�mides de Akapana y Puma Punku, El templete Semisubterraneo, la famosa Puerta del Sol, el Monolito Ponce, los restos de Kantataita, Putuni y Kerikala que ocupan aproximadamente 30 hect�reas excavadas. Ruinas que est�n consideradas como las m�s importantes dentro del proceso de evoluci�n de las culturas andinas, por la calidad del trabajo en piedra, cer�mica y sobre todo la t�cnica de la ingenier�a hidr�ulica.


Tambi�n llamada Isla Paco, es conocida por la existencia de ruinas prehisp�nicas. Su ubicaci�n geogr�fica permite apreciar la belleza panor�mica de la Cordillera Real. La principal actividad en la isla es la fabricaci�n de balsas de Totora.


La zona kallawaya guarda en sus pr�cticas ocultistas, que a�n son una inc�gnita que se mueve dentro de la isla territorial formada por las poblaciones de Curva Charazani ubicadas en la Provincia Bautista Saavedra del Departamento de La Paz a una distancia de 242 Km. de la ciudad de La Paz, con un clima fr�o o templado dependiendo de la �poca.

No existe una definici�n concreta de lo que significa Kallawayas pero es importante manifestar que el nombre corresponde a fonemas aymaras. Por ejemplo 'Qolla waya', quiere decir llevar un medicamento al hombro.

El origen social de los 'Callawayas' permite entrever un mestizaje muy marcado y puesto de relieve en las poblaciones de 'Curva y Chajaya'

La medicina natural de los Kallawayas, seg�n se dice, es la herencia de la ciencia m�dica de los Incas y conocen un gran n�mero de plantas medicinales y sobre todo de las propiedades de �stas; de la misma manera conocen las aplicaciones curativas de ciertos animales, empleando cataplasmas que brindan salud y bienestar.


Tiene por lo menos tres mil a�os de tradici�n citadina desde que se inici� como Centro Sagrado de la aldea 'Chiripa'. En la regi�n se puede encontrar restos de muchos asentamientos posteriores como el de los Incas. Seg�n cr�nicas de Salas (epoca colonial) 'Ccoppa-kcagua�a' es el camino de estrellas que gu�a a la casa de nuestro padre Dios y Se�or, porque desde este punto se aprecia en toda su magnitud la constelaci�n de la Cruz del Sur, regidor de la ubicaci�n en tiempo y espacio de culturas anteriores.

Titicaca Lake

Lake Traditionally regarded as the highest navigable body of water in the world (though there are higher lakes in Chile and Peru), Lake Titicaca is immense: its dimensions measure 233km (145mi) from northwest to southeast and 97km (60mi) from northeast to southwest. The lake has an indented shoreline, 36 islands and exceptionally clear sapphire-blue water. Titicaca is revered by the Indians who live on its shores, and the Islas del Sol and Islas de la Luna, two islands in the lake, are the legendary sites of the Inca's creation myths. The main town in the area is Copacabana, which has a sparkling white Moorish-style cathedral and is host to the Fiesta de la Virgen de Candelaria. Isla Suriqui is world-renowned for its totora reed boats, Isla Kalahuta for its stone tombs and Isla Incas is reputed in legend to have an underground network of passageways linking it to the old Inca capital of Cuzco in Peru.

Travelers should wear protective head gear around the lake because the thin air results in scorchingly high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Half of the lake lies within the borders of Peru and Puno is the principal settlement and main center for excursions on the Peruvian shore of the lake.

Island of the Sun

Presenta obras precolombinas arquitect�nicas como el Palacio de Pilkokayna y la Chinkana que significa laberinto o lugar donde uno se pierde. Las escalinatas de Yumani, las tres Fuente de Agua lugares que hacen m�s interesante el lugar.

Island of the Moon or Koati

Solo habitaban las escogidas o 'V�rgenes del Sol'. Su tratamiento especial, sutil y hermoso con trabajos en bovedilla de avance en piedra y elementos trapesoidales y escalonadas, permiten asignar la importancia de estas construcciones, cuyas puertas orientadas hacia el nevado Illampu testifican el esoterismo nativo.

Crossing the Andes


As part of the volcanic Cordillera Occidental, the area is characterized by its impressive snow-covered cones, like el Sajama and the Paycachatas. El Sajama is the highest peak in the Bolivia with an altitude of 6,542 meters above sea level. There are also many lagoons and particular concave with illusory colors. The ecology is similar to that of the high Andean plateau. One can also find petrified grasses and shrubs, as well as a surprising variety of flower-bearing plants.


If well Oruro is known principally by its magnificent and sumptuous Carnival, behind this colorful clamor of music and dancing groups with beautiful costumes hides a Oruro rich in natural resources and ancestral culture, haven been, from its foundation in 1585, an important mining center with a vast production of tin, lead, antimony and silver.

Oruro is situated in the center part of the Bolivian Highlands at 3706 meters above sea level, 3 hours in bus from the city of La Paz. Its climate is cold and its annual medium temperature of 9�C, presents little fluvial precipitation�s. Its railway and highway system permits them to communicate themselves with the country, Chile and Argentina.


Reputed to have the world's most perfect climate and Bolivia's most hardcore drinkers, the city of Cochabamba occupies a fertile green bowl in a landscape of fields and low hills. The city, founded in 1574, is Bolivia's largest market town and was once the nation's granary. It is still prosperous and progressive, and has a clutch of historical and archaeological attractions, including the 400-year-old cathedral, the Convento de Santa Teresa and the Museo Arqueol�gico

Jesuitics Misions

En plena selva Boliviana, las Misiones Jesu�ticas de Chiquitos perduran por m�s de tres siglos. Quedan como un legado extraordinario porque son las �nicas misiones jesu�ticas en Sud Am�rica que no fueron destruidas, como lo fueron las misiones del Paraguay y el norte argentino, las misiones Jesu�ticas bolivianas permanecen vivas y vigentes.

Siete de los diez pueblos chiquitanos conservan templos de la �poca: San Jos�, Santa Ana, San Rafael, San Miguel, San Ignacio, Concepci�n San Javier, todas ellas declaradas "Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad" por la UNESCO.

Ubicadas a poco m�s de 200 Km. de la cuidad de Santa Cruz, capital del departamento, las Misiones se constituyen el asentamiento principal de los Jesuitas en el nuevo mundo.Sirvieron para convertir a las tribus n�madas en comunidades llamadas "reducciones" a fin de iniciar a los ind�genas en la vida religiosa, civil y art�stica. Las misiones Jesu�ticas bolivianas se edificaron desde 1691 hasta 1760.

Menos de un siglo permanecieron los religiosos en tierras Chiquitanas creando admirables sociedades en productividad, orden y arquitectura. El 13 de octubre de 1767, el Rey de Espa�a orden� que los misioneros jesuitas fueran expulsados de las posesiones de Espa�a en el nuevo mundo, esta expulci�n dejo a las comunidades a merced de los espa�oles y portugueses.

La arquitectura de los templos de estilo barroco mestizo, destaca, pinturas murales y tallado de maderas en los retablos, p�lpitos y cajoner�as. Las iglesias emulan la apariencia de construcciones del pa�s de origen del jesuita Mart�n Schmit, sacerdote suizo y su principal arquitecto, combinadas con impresionantes columnas talladas en madera, hermosas pinturas y altares dorados.

El turismo cultural de las misiones esta centrado en sus iglesias y tambi�n nos ofrece una din�mica actividad artesanal. La naturaleza y sus poblaciones ind�genas, sus tradicionales pueblos con costumbres ancestrales constituyen un atractivo cultural de gran importancia en la zona. Acogedoras poblaciones y c�lidos habitantes hacen de las Misiones Jesu�ticas bolivianas un atractivo sudamericano sin igual, desde hace m�s de 300 a�os.

Santa Cruz de la Sierra

The captivating city of South America, for its peculiar architecture in its historical center, at the same time an antique and modern city, that summed to the warmth and hospitality of its habitants convert it in a touristic attraction of first category.

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, capital of the department, has around 800.000 habitants and an active commercial and business life with an important section of international banking. In 1996 was headquarters of the Summit of Americas for the Sustainable Development meeting, thanks to its international level in services. What respects to tourism the city has more than 150 lodging establishments with a capacity that exceeds the 6000 beds, and also has travel and tourism agencies. Its active commerce and the kindness of the cruce�an people are also motives of attraction for the visitors.


A 52 Km. de Santa Cruz, en su zona de influencia funcionan ingenios y aserraderos, �reas de cultivo con huertos de c�tricos, bananas y mangos. La fauna es un atractivo complementario muy importante; no es extra�o apreciar apacibles �and�es o bandadas de palomas silvestres en sus alrededores, el viento deja escuchar el llamado de las parabas y tojos.

San Javier

Su fundaci�n en 1692 por los Misioneros Jesuitas, la ubica como la primera de las misiones en la regi�n, La Iglesia est� ornamentada con columnas talladas y dibujos en madera en tonos amarillo y caf�. En 1730, se fund� la primera escuela de m�sica de la regi�n para los miembros de la comunidad. Destaca la fabricaci�n de violines, arpas y otros instrumentos.


Su iglesia esta considerada como JOYA EN LA REGI�N. La misi�n fue fundada en 1706 por jesuitas, restaurada en 1978 hasta 1982 es la casa del Vicariato Apost�lico �uflo Chavez y cuenta con una nave de tres cuerpos, se complementan seis filas de columnas de madera que soportan el techo, tiene tres altares y pinturas realizadas por los lugare�os. La iglesia vista en un atardecer ser� inolvidable, al apreciar la torre de madera y el impresionante trabajo realizado en su portada principal.

San Ignacio de Velasco

Queda a 175 Km. de Concepci�n fue fundada en 1748. Sus calles son anchas y de coloraci�n rojiza, la plaza ubicada al frente de la iglesia, tiene �rboles floridos y est� rodeada de casas que mantienen sus caracter�sticas originales.

La iglesia original destruida en 1974, fue reemplazada por una nueva que mantiene el altar y algunas partes de la edificaci�n original.

San Rafael

Esta poblaci�n fue fundada en 1696. Su iglesia fue restaurada por un equipo de artesanos recientemente, ofrece en su altar "Hojas de Oro", p�rticos y columnas trabajadas en madera que soportan la cubierta.

San Miguel

Fundado en 1721, cuenta con una iglesia completamente restaurada, que mantiene las caracter�sticas de estilo de otras iglesias realizadas. Su altar de hojas doradas es �nico, as� como tambi�n su cielo raso y sus grabados. Un taller de trabajos t�picos de la zona forma parte del conjunto tur�stico donde pueden adquirirse a bajo costo diferentes objetos.

San Jose de Chiquitos

Ubicado en el flanco sur de la Sierra de Chiquitos, se erigi� uno de los �nicos templos de piedra de toda la zona. Construido en 1698, es una excelente muestra de arquitectura hisp�nica llegada con las misiones jesu�ticas. Fue construida por nativos del lugar bajo la supervisi�n de los Jesuitas. El pueblo es un importante centro productor de ganado, que cuenta con comunicaci�n regular de bus y tren.

National Parks

Amboro National Park


Location: It is located on the east of the department of Santa Cruz, in the denominated "Elbow of the Andes quot; place in which the occidental mountain range changes routes to the south. Its west margin limits with the Carrasco that belongs to the department of Cochabamba.

Surface : The park and the area of integrated management have a surface of 637.600, meanwhile the corresponding part of the park has 442.500 has. (44.250 km2).

Altitude: Fluctuates in between the 3200 and the 300 meters above sea level.

Climate: The climate is moderate in the high part and warm in the low zones. The annual medium temperature vary from 12� C to 24� C depending on the altitude of the region. The precipitation�s vary depending on the zones, between the 600 mm up to 3.400 mm in the humid zones.

Hydrology: The most important basin of the corresponding areas are the Ichilo, Yapacani, Surutu and San Mateo rivers, that are tributaries of the Mamore river.

Characteristics of the Park

Corresponds to the mountainous Eco-region of the subtropical humid forest of the Yungas. Posses a great diversity of ecosystems of humid mountains, like forests very humid sub-Andean and the mount forests, the same that lodge a great biological diversity, with areas of transition to the sub-humid forest Tucumano � Boliviano, to the very humid forest of foot of mount and to dry forests of meso thermic valleys. The interior of the area is of difficult access by the agitated relief, factor that has favored to the conservation of the area, but the same thing has not happened with the bottom parts of the park that have been under the colonizers pressure.

Flora: In between the enormous variety of plants of the park the gigantic arboreal ferns that stand out (Cyathea Alsophyla) that are found in the cloudy forests. There exists arboreal species like a mara or American mahogany, the asai palm, the mount pines (Podocarpus spp.), the walnut (Juglans boliviana) and an enormous variety or orchid species.

Fauna: As a result of the management plan there have been 127 registered species of mammals, in between stand out the 43 bat species. In the big mammals we can find the Andean bear or jucumani, the jaguar or American tiger, and flag bear (ant eater). It presents on the high level of endemic species in the park, 105 species of reptiles and 73 amphibious species in between which 50 are toad species. There exists 812 bird species, the birds that arises major interest are the pompadour turkey (Pauxi unicornis), and the military paraba (Ara militaris). Surviving in the park are many endemic species threatened in other regions.

Genetic Resources: The area constitutes itself in a natural reservoir of great diversity of genetic resources wild proper of the tropical ecosystems. And of species of economic importance like the fine woods that are in process of commercial extinction.

Archeology: To the south of the protected area, in the zone of influence, we can find the pre-Colombian ruins of Samaipata Fort and the pictography of Tunal.

Scenic Values: The mountainous relief of there region and the peculiar rocky formations with valleys and profound cannons conforming a great beautiful landscape. To this the torrential rivers and the water falls awarding the area great scenic characteristics

Population: To the north of the area there exists colonial settlements coming from the high lands. The adjacent region in the southern limit are inhabited by peasants of the valleys of the department; while to the east you can find Guarayan community settlements. Surrounding the area are picturesque towns like Samaipata, Comarapa and Buena vista

Threats: The area has been suffering the expansion of the farming frontier and a growth of the colonization, in the northern part particularly. Affecting the Park the clearing and the burning (Chaqueo), the power saws, and the commercial hunting of some species with the jochi, the tatu and the antaurina. The vegetable source are being affected by the carbon production of the Northeast in the locality of the Torno. The deforestation of the micro valleys is causing a serious decrease of the courses of water that supply important cities.


The access of the area of integral management is easy through the new and antique highways of Cochabamba�Santa Cruz. However the entrance to the same park is difficult, there exists high risk, of getting lost or falling.

Ways of Access: You can accede to the area from the city of Santa Cruz or Cochabamba, through its new and old Highways.

1. Santa Cruz-Montero-Buena (New Highway to Cochabamba)102 km.
2. Santa Cruz-Samaipata (Old Highway to Cochabamba) 107 km.

The asphalted highway Cochabamba- Santa Cruz is the way of access most transited. The points of entrance to the park are the Yunga and Buena Vista .

The roads to the interior of the areas are not always in good shape, specially in the rainy season. To enter the Park you require four wheel drive vehicles.

What to See

There still doesn�t exist any touristic circuits. In between the most attractive places for the tourists are:

1.- Mucu�uc�, where you can find a 40 meter cascade, and an enormous river with pools and caves.
2.- Saguayo, to arrive to this place you have to cross the Yapacani river, in this place you can observe a great variety of animals, birds and orchids.
3.- La Chonta, is an exceptional place for bird lovers.
4.- Los cajones del Ichilo (the boxes of Ichilo), it is the delta of the river that conforms a majestic panoramic view.
5.- La Yunga de Mairana (The Yunga of Mairana), here you can find gigantic ferns of great beauty, and a wide variety of vegetation and camping sites.
6.- Siberia, its a cloudy forest of exceptional floristic diversity and very appropriate for bird watching.

Carrasco National Park


Occupying part of the provinces Chapare, Carrasco and Tiraque. It limits with the Amboro National Park of Santa Cruz.

Surface: 622.600 acres. (6.226 km2)

Altitude: It is between the 4717 to 280 meters.

Climate: the climate is cold in the high parts with are found in the west and south (Tiraque � Pojo) and it is warm in the lower areas of the northern region. The major part of the area are characterized by it�s heavy rains that can exceeds the 5000 mm. annually.

Hydrology: In this area furrowed by a number of rivers and brooks. In between the most important are the Ivirizu, Chimore, Sajta and San Mateo, Ichilo, Ichoa.

Characteristics of the Area

The park is found in the oriental Andean mountain range, sub-andean region called Chapare and has a marked altitude terraces, what means an enormous presence of a number of ecosystems, habitats and an enormous diversity of flora and fauna. In the park you can find samples of humid high Andean prairies, glacier lagoons, and rabble, paramo yungue�o, Cloudy forests of the high plainlands of Yungas (extremely humid), humid forests and very humid mountains of the Yungas, extremely humid sub-Andean rain forest, humid forest of pedemontano of transition base and cardinal spots of Puya raimondi in the area of influence from the south (karayani).

Flora: It is know the existence of 5000 species of superior plants. Highlighted is the que�ua forests (polylepis spp.) in environments of paramo yungue�o, and various species of Podocarpus, walnut trees, copal, palms and gigantic plants, and also a genetic reservoir of a variety of economical importance of cedar and mara or mahogany. Besides this you can find 200 species of orchids.

Fauna: The fauna of this region is outstanding. In this park there lives the jucumari or Andean bear (tremarctos ornatus), the taruca (hippocamelus antisiensis), the jaguar (panthera onca), the titi (felis jacobita).

One of the most important attractions of the park are the birds, particularly the guacharo (steatornis caripensis) that nests in caves in the interior of the park. It is estimated, also, that there exists more than 800 species of birds in this park between which we can find a great number of endangered species like Terenura sharpei, Leptasthenura andicola, Cnemarchus erythropygius, catamenia homochroa, Idiopsar brachyurus, Tangara ruficervir and other endemic species like Simoxenops striatus.

Genetic Resources: The area is a reservoir of a great diversity of wild genetic resources, particularly the wood species of great importance for the economy that are in commercial extinction like the mara (swietenia macrophyla), the cedar and the walnut trees (juglans boliviana).

Economic Values: in this area you can appreciate mountainous scenarios with great beauty, with profound valleys and canyons, torrential rivers and water falls, besides exuberant vegetation.

Population: The population that lives in the surroundings of the park has migrated in majority to the high lands of the country. What is the original population, there are non confirmed reports of the ethnic group Tuki that stay away from human contact.

Threats:The occupation of the area by colonies and the existing expansion of the agronomic boundary, the mining exploitation of asbestos and marble, the fishing with dynamite and the furtive hunting that constitute themselves in a pressure that at the long run can convert themselves in problems of importance in the park.


V�as de acceso: Existen varias v�as de ingreso al �rea. La nueva carretera asfaltada Cochabamba- Santa Cruz es la v�a de acceso m�s transitada, �sta pasa por Tiraque que es la regi�n alta del Parque. Tambi�n se puede acceder al Parque por la carretera antigua a Santa Cruz. (Sehuencas - Pojo). El campamento principal del Parque est� ubicado en la localidad de Sajta (Norte).

A Villa Tunari se puede ir en buses, minibuses, micros, el precio fluct�a entre los Bs.15 y los Bs. 25 por persona. Desde Villa Tunari hasta el Santuario de Vida Silvestre existen mini trufis y camionetas (expresos).

Los caminos al interior del �rea no siempre est�n en buen estado, sobre todo en �poca de lluvias, por lo que se recomienda veh�culos 4 x 4.

Distancias :
1. Cochabamba - Villa Tunari 160 km. (Carretera nueva a Santa Cruz)
2. Villa Tunari - Santuario de Vida Silvestre 13 km.
3. Cochabamba- Sehuencas 116 km. (Carretera antigua a Santa Cruz)
4. Sehuencas - Monte Puncu 13 km.

What to See

Entre los principales atractivos tur�sticos de este parque est�n: El Santuario de Vida Silvestre que incluye las Cavernas del Repech�n, 2 cavernas con gu�charos y una con murci�lagos. Las pozas naturales en los r�os San Rafael y San Mateo, las ruinas de Incachaca. En la regi�n de Sehuencas destaca la flora: alisos, helechos arb�reos y orqu�deas.

1. Santuario de Vida Silvestre
La visita al Santuario incluye las Cavernas del Repech�n, 2 cavernas con guacharos y una con murci�lagos, el recorrido se realiza por una senda r�stica de interpretaci�n y el r�o se cruza por roldana. Esta es una caminata de 1,4 km. Es necesario contar con el respectivo registro porque solamente tienen posibilidad de ingreso 30 personas/d�a. El costo es de Bs. 5 para nacionales y Bs. 10 para extranjeros. Eventualmente s�lo se atiende al turismo los fines de semana y feriados, salvo autorizaciones a solicitudes anticipadas. 2. Sehuencas
Se encuentra en la regi�n sur del Parque. Se ingresa por la poblaci�n Monte Puncu. El camino no es transitable todo el a�o. No existe infraestructura para el alojamiento ni comida. No existe un circuito definido en la zona. Se cuenta con 7 �reas de camping de diferentes dimenciones se estima que pueden instalarse 45 carpas

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park


Location: Located at the Northeast of the department of Santa Cruz. In a limiting zone with.

Surface: 914.000 ha. (91.400km2)

Altitude Range: Varies from 100 to 750 meters above sea level.

Climate: It is of tropical climate warm and humid. The fluvial precipitation�s are in between 1.600-2.500 mm. annually.

Hydrology: The most important basin is the Itenez or Guapore where they come together with the Paucerna and Verde rivers. The Itenez is found on the east and forms part of the limit with, meanwhile the Paragua is on the west.

Characteristics of the Area

The area is located on the bio- geographic zone where the influences of the north Amazonian region converge, the subtropical dry forest of the south, the Brazilian Cerrado of the east and the Chiquitano forest of the west. It also forms part of the prolongation of the Brazilian Shield, being one of the major elevated extensions of the region. These characteristics make the Park lodge communities and populations of plants and animals of great diversity and unique in Bolivia. In between the ecosystems the sub-humid forest of the shield out stand � for being unique in Bolivia, zones of Humid Station forest of the Shield in low lands, Ribere�o Forest, transition of semi-decimal forest of the Shield and the Savannah�s of Cerrado in excellent state of conservation. Traditionally the zone used for the exploitation of rubber.

Flora: The floral register shows that the parks flora is rich in diversity of vegetation formations and extremely interesting for the endemic, the adaptation and the uniqueness of some communities out standing species of economic importance like the mara (Swietenia macrophylla), el oak (Amburana caearensis), el cedar (Cedrela odorata), the rubber (Hevea brasiliensis), various species of palms like the asai or palmito (Euterpe precatoria), also important diversity of species of orchid and floristically typical communities of Cerrado.

Fauna: The area is inhabited by wild species, that are threatened in other regions of the country, like the gama o white dear, (Ozotocerus bezoarticus), dears (Masama guazoubira and Mazama americana, the anta (Tapirus terrestris). In between the felines you can find the jaguar (Panthera onca), el tigresillo (Felis pardalis) and reports exists the melancholic jaguar (black jaguar o panther). From the eight species of primates out stands the titi monkey (Callithrix argentata), the marimono (Ateles paniscus) and the manechi (Alouatta caraya).

It is estimated the existence of 700 species of birds, in which the parabas jacinto (Anodorhynchus hyacinthynus), stands out, the Turdus haplochrous that is endemic and the piyo (Rhea americana).

The fauna is represented by the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger), the lizard (Caiman yacare), the crocodile (Paleosuchus palpebrosus), the sicur� (Eunectes murinus), boa (Boa constrictor). In between the aquatic turtles are the tataruga (Podocnemis expansa) and the traracaya (Podocnemis unifilis).

Archeology: The region of Piso Firme counts with archeological sites. In the area of influence there exists, on the other hand, sites of great historical value like colonial churches of the Jesuit Missions in the towns of San Ignacio de Velasco, Concepci�n, Guarayos y San Javier.

Scenic Values: The part extends over a great part of the Caparuch plateau or Huanchaca, the one that elevates 1000 meters above sea level, determining a uneven level of approximately 600 meters above the surrounding plains. This formation contains important habitats of great biological diversity that conform in spectacular scenarios.

Population: There doesn�t exist and settlements inside the park. In the area of influence there exist Guarayo indigenous communities traditional and peasants, and on the other side of the river there are Brazilian populations of peasants and commerce.

Threats: Along the Brazilian frontier and to the west limit area, incursions are produced by power saws and Brazilian timber merchants that export mara and asai palm. Then also exists furtive hunting of wild animals.


The possible ways of access to the camp site with Eco touristic infrastructure are:

1. Flor de Oro
Air way: Santa Cruz - Flor de Oro - Santa Cruz.
Time of Flight: 5 hours. Land: Santa Cruz - Concepcion (300 km), Concepci�n -Santa Rosa -Colonia Matin -La Mechita - Cruce a Moira- Cerro Pelado- Cruce Lago Rey- Cruce Piso Firme (367 km). From Piso Firme you must take a small boat to the camp site Flor de Oro. The trip to this camp site vary depending on dry or rainy season, 9 hours and 5 hours rainy season.

2. Los Fierros
Air Way: Santa Cruz - Los Fierros - Santa Cruz
Time of Flight: 2 hours By land on a 4 x 4 vehicle.
Santa Cruz - Santa Rosa de la Roca - Florida - Los Fierros (18 hours)

3. Huanchaca 1:
Air Way: Santa Cruz- Hunchaca 1- Santa Cruz,
Time of Flight: 2 hours, 30 minutes.

4. Paucerna
Fluvial Access: Flor de Oro - Paucerna,
Time: 5 hours in rainy season, 9 hours in dry season.

These camp sites are not accessible when the atmospheric conditions are not acceptable for over flying of small planes, as well as in the strong rainy season, or chaqueo (Burning) or because of a strong rain the roads may flood.

What to See

The great headlands and water falls of the mountain area of pre-cambric and excellent state of conservation in which they are found making this place a favorite destination of great Eco touristic interest.

The most interesting places for tourism are: the Bahia of the Orchids, the monkey vantage point, Headlands of the plateaus of Caparuch and the Arco Iris water falls.

Pantanal National Park


Famous in the whole world, El Pantanal is one of the classical goals of ecological tourism.

Shared in between Bolivia and Brazil, few places in the world can compete with this enormous swamp with respect to the variety of Wild Life and the opportunity to navigate and do sport fishing. The Bolivian Swamp conserves the most genuine and wild corners of the region; for this reason we offer an adequate combination of flora and fauna of this important world reservoir.

The biological diversity of the Swamp (Pantanal) is impressive and in great part as a result of the following factors:

The Swamp (Pantanal) is located in the limits of the natural regions of the Chaco, the region of Cercado and the Amazon basin.

The Swamp (Pantanal) is charateristed by its high level of heterogeneous nature of landscapes, as a result of the unique combination of both habitats; the land and the aquatic as well as the dynamic cycle of the annual inundation.

The ecotourism represents indisputably one of the few alternatives of sustainable and economic viability, to the destructive use of the natural resources of the Swamp (Pantanal).

The place is characterized by the bio diversity of its natural resources, which do to a natural process, growth of rivers and the swamp (Pantanal) effect of its lands, has created this ecosystem, characterized by plains and light undulation.

The observation of fauna is the main attraction, the region possesses facilitation and touristic services in the localities of Puerto Suarez and Puerto Quijarro with lodging establishments. The international connections are done by train or land, passing through the ports to Santa Cruz .

This route is known like an international corridor and export.


This circuit starts out in Puerto Suarez of German Busch, 642 Km. From Santa Cruz by train, from Santa Cruz it is also accessible by plane.

This circuit permits us to see the most important attractions like Puerto Suarez, Puerto Busch, El Mutun, Motacucito, Marshland of Otuquis (Ba�ados de Otuquis) , Caceres Lake and the Gaiba inclusive. Every one of them have different characteristics, beautiful landscapes framed with exuberant of wooded forest vegetation, rivieras covered by carpets of aquatic plants, abundant on the river beds, streams, lagoons, that are generally with floating leaves and flowers. The fauna is characterized by the presence of the spider monkey, jaguars, mountain fox, swamp deer�s. Its climate is mild for being at an approximate altitude of 350 mts.a.s.l., the temperature varies from 12�C to 24�C, with seasonal changes some times significant.

What to See

Puerto Busch.- Considered one of the principal ports of entrance to our country. In its scenery the Bolivian Swamp (Pantanal) and the habitat of ethnic groups like the Chiquitanos and the Ayoreos stand out, which still posse there traditions and customs.

Mutun.- The mountainous area of Mutun, one of the greatest steel deposits of the planet, has in this prodigious attraction, recreation zones and cave paintings.

Following the Paraguay river course it is possible to reach a zone with lagoons of great dimensions and abundant aquatic life like the ones in Mandior�, the Gaiba and Uberaba. On this journey it is possible to visit the mines of exploitation of semi recious stones.

Puerto Suarez.- Town situated on the east of Santa Cruz. Found 642 Km. From the capital and is considered one of the main ports of entrance to the Bolivian territory in the swamp zone, frontier line with Brazil. This circuit has a beautiful, impressive natural scenery, were you can appreciate the existing flora and fauna; the swamp deer and the prairie deer. The presence of the Chiquitanos and Ayoreos ethnic groups stand out.

Tacural.- Attraction located 35 km. From Puerto Suarez, characterized for being a zone of low humid woodland were actually you can practice fishing and is considered a propitious zone for the observation of flora and fauna.

The Salty (El Saladito).- Health attraction, which counts with a natural pool that receives water from a small creek that runs through the place, that is favored with a rich natural scenery. Two rustic cabins with wardrobe and baths that offer assistance to tourists. It also possess an attractive camping zone.

Motacucito Caves (Cuevas del Motacucito).- Located 8 km. From Puerto Suarez, the caves have an average depth of 80 meters, it is constituted one of the major attractions of the area were you can observe stalactites and stalagmites, a curious attraction for espeleologos.

Caceres Lagoon (Laguna C�ceres).- Singular touristic attraction with marvelous scenarios and landscapes.

The lagoon, which rivieras are covered with a carpet of aquatic plants of floating leaves and flowers which permit the fishing activity, the practice of nautical sports and walks through the exuberant forest.

Baths of Tucavaca (Ba�ados de Tucavaca).- Southern Region.- Zone considered like one of the richest in bio diversity. It has a strong production of livestock through the extensive pastures where you can also appreciate the swamp deer�s.

La Gaiba Lagoon (Laguna La Gaiba).- Of great dimensions and abundance of aquatic life, birds and other animals. Scenery of great beauty characteristic of the Savannah of the Chaco Pantanero (Swampy Chaco).

The Route of Che Guevara


El circuito se caracteriza por la gran belleza natural y cultural de la regi�n, adem�s de una variada flora y fauna.

La aventura empieza en Yacuiba para terminar en Santa Cruz, pasando por poblaciones que fueron transitadas por los guerrilleros que acompa�aron a Ernesto "Che" Guevara; ciudades que muestran herencias de antepasados en arqueolog�a y arquitectura rupestre, propia de la regi�n amaz�nica.

Algunas localidades deben su importancia al paso de Ernesto "Che" Guevara, por que centraliz� su actividad guerrillera en esta regi�n. �rea que es considerada en el Continente Americano como uno de los sitios que mantiene la presencia internacional de argentinos, bolivianos, cubanos y peruanos donde juntos hicieron historia.

The Route

La ciudad de Camiri, conocida como la capital petrolera de Bolivia, el paisaje permite apreciar el algarrobo y la chulupia, como el TROJE, construcci�n r�stica y t�pica del lugar que se lo utiliza para secar el ma�z producido en la regi�n, un lugar hist�rico por ser el pueblo de Inti Peredo, lugarteniente del "Che", aqu� se realiz� el juicio contra el periodista franc�s Regis DeBray colaborador del guerrillero "Che" Guevara, cuenta con una vegetaci�n propia del Chaco y una rica variedad de fauna que despierta el inter�s del visitante.

En sus alrededores existen importantes atractivos como el Trekking a la Muela del Diablo, que es una interesante formaci�n rocosa a la cual debe su nombre el cerro Tararenda, tambi�n se puede visitar el Chorro, ca�da de agua de singular belleza, Choreti otro lugar que visitar se halla a 6 Km de Camiri, es llamada la capital del oro negro, aqu� fue interrogado y muerto Vasquez Via�a, estrecho colaborador del "Che" lugar que esta sobre el camino a Lagunillas; valle rodeado de cerros y abundante vegetaci�n, caracter�stica de los valles orientales, fue centro de operaciones de tropas militares antes de la captura del Comandante cubano-argentino.

�ancahuasu se encuentra ubicado a 25 Km de Lagunillas, es una de las �reas donde la guerrilla se organiz� y realiz� diferentes actividades referentes al proceso de lucha armada, tambi�n se puede visitar la famosa y conocida Casa de Calamina, centro de operaciones de la guerrilla. A 100 mts. m�s adentro por un camino ancho de coloraci�n rojiza se inicia una traves�a hasta el r�o Grande, Mamore y luego el Amazonas. En los alrededores se halla la Hacienda de Roberto Villa, lugar donde los hermanos Coco e Inti Peredo amigos del "Che", se prove�an de v�veres. Este poblado fue testigo de los primeros combates y guarda la historia viva de la guerrilla, en sus alrededores est�n presentes los momentos hist�ricos vividos por ambas partes. El lugar muestra un paisaje selv�tico, hermoso y a la vez hostil adem�s de una variada flora y fauna y un clima templado.

Una de las m�s antiguas poblaciones dentro la provincia Cordillera es Guti�rrez, punto divisorio para los que deseen tomar la ruta Lagunillas - Sucre o Camiri - Santa Cruz. Desde este punto se puede tomar tambi�n la ruta hacia Valle Grande para luego arribar a la Higuera. Siguiendo la ruta principal pasamos por Muyupampa, poblaci�n de mucha importancia ya que muchos de los guerrilleros cayeron presos, luego de fuertes combates, entre ellos Reg�s Debary y una buena parte de los periodistas que reportaban los hechos referidos a la guerrilla. Existe una iglesia local que fue construida en 1773 por los misioneros jesuitas del lugar, de la cual se versa diferentes historias.

A unos 130 Km de Monteagudo se halla Huacareta, poblaci�n que se levanta cerca a la ribera del r�o Parapeti, conocido por el fuerte cauce de sus aguas que hacen posible la pr�ctica de rafting, ascenso de monta�a y trekking. La fiesta del lugar se la realiza el 21 de septiembre, cerca de "Rosario del Ingre".

Monteagudo se halla a 150 Km de Camiri, antes de llegar al lugar se puede apreciar la Cordillera del Incahuasi, existe un interesante puente que cruza el r�o Ba�ados y sus diferentes afluentes, en el lugar y principalmente el Ca��n Heredia es apto para el canotaje, apreciar la flora y fauna existente en el lugar como para la pr�ctica del trekking y caminatas. La principal fiesta del lugar se la realiza el 20 de agosto, entre otras fiestas se destaca la Feria Agropecuaria del lugar.

Monteagudo fue punto importante durante la guerrilla del " Che " por su ubicaci�n y las facilidades existentes en el lugar, puesto que se vincula con Tarabuco, Sucre y Potos�, ciudades conocidas por el car�cter colonial y republicano.

A 4 Km del desv�o en la Herradura, cruzando el r�o Grande se encuentra Vado del Yeso en esta regi�n se libro una de las m�s importantes batallas contra la guerrilla, luego de los duros combates Tania, la compa�era del "Che" es muerta junto a sus seguidores.

Al sudoeste de la provincia de Valle Grande se halla La Higuera debe su nombre a la abundante existencia del �rbol del mismo nombre, a 15 Km de distancia desde Pucara se encuentra la Quebrada del Bat�n lugar donde caen muertos los guerrilleros Coco, Miguel y Julio. A�n el tiempo a conservado la antigua escuelita donde muri� el "Che" hoy convertida en Posta Sanitaria. Cerca de la Higuera se halla la Quebrada del Yuro �ltimo punto de la guerrilla y testigo silencioso de lo ocurrido el 8 de octubre de 1967, �ltima batalla de los guerrilleros. Hoy se convirti� en un hist�rico patrimonio de una �poca vivida recordada por los hechos suscitados.

Vallegrande se levanta al oeste del departamento, testigo mudo de la llegada de los cuerpos inertes de los guerrilleros que fallecieron en los �ltimos combates, en el hospital Se�or de Malta donde se mostraron por �ltima vez los restos de Ernesto "Che" Guevara, tambi�n se halla la tumba donde descansan los restos de Tania, mujer y compa�era allegada al "Che" junto a ella se encuentran tambi�n descansando los restos de los soldados del ejercito boliviano.

La ciudad de Valle Grande es testigo tambi�n de la �ltima batalla librada entre el realista Aguilera contra Ca�oto para conseguir la independencia boliviana del yugo espa�ol. Conserva a�n el estilo espa�ol con grandes casonas construidas de ladrillo y cal y con techos de teja, sus arquerias bien conservadas y patios con escalinatas cl�sicas. Cabe resaltar la existencia de rica arqueolog�a, pintura rupestre y restos de cer�mica de la �poca prehisp�nica en esta regi�n.

El �ltimo punto de la ruta es la ciudad de Santa Cruz, centro administrativo del departamento que lleva el mismo nombre, se levanta sobre una planicie poseedora de un clima de calor tropical acompa�ado de las brisas de la s�bana.